Monday, September 20, 2010

The IPT Blog has moved

This blog can now be seen at

Thanks for the support!


Monday, September 13, 2010

Featured Recipe: Veggie Fajitas

Sauté the peppers onion and garlic in olive oil, top with cilantro, cherrie tomatoes, and salsa of choice. Guacamole- 2 large ripe avacados, one small-med tomato diced, diced onion as desired, juice from one small lime, tablespoon minced garlic, salt, pepper, and cilantro to taste.

Modifications- add veggie meat or black beans and rice, quinoa with taco seasoning would also be nice, daiya cheese, jalapenos for those that like some spice.


Friday, September 10, 2010

This is Amazing

I want to hang out with this guy. I would buy him endless amounts of beer to perform tricks for me on demand.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

:30/:20 Finisher

Nothing fancy today... just hard work at the end of a training session. We did this for 3 continuous rounds.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Complex Training

When I think sport, I think strength and power. I hate the term "sport specific" but when I sport specificity I think complexing. A complex is when you pair two exercises together, a strength exercise followed by a power exercise of the same movement pattern. It is a great way to develop some power through a little fatigue. I personally think complexing is one of the greatest methods for training MMA and BJJ athletes. There are endless variations to complex training but I am partial to few. Here are a couple examples of some complexes that we use at Impact Performance Training.

TRX Inverted Row/Rope Slam Complex:

Single Leg Squat/TRX Single Leg Hop Complex:

On a side note.... We are now doing our single leg squats in the fashion above. We hold Kettlebells in the racked position rather than reaching out with dumbbells. It's a bit harder this way so you will have to adjust to lower weights. If the KB's get too heavy we combo with a weight vest.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Featured Exercise: TRX Prone Reach

This is another great anti-rotation exercise on the TRX. The key here is that your hip stay stable as if a glass of beer is sitting on your low back.... don't spill the beer! Allow the TRX rest the shoulder of the stabilizing arm (unless you are looking to create more of a demand for shoulder stability. If so, proceed with caution as it is very unstable). You can make it more challenging by coming further under the anchor point or by changing the width of your feet. The closer your feet are together the harder it is. But remember... don't spill the beer.